A few years back RLP’s collaborator, friend and former musical director of Celine Dion, Claude ‘Mego’ Lemay, recommended RLP’s co-founder and filmmaker, Paolo, to choreographer, Geneviève Dorion-Coupal, who then introduced Paolo to producer, Rémon Boulerice and director, Marc Dupré for a project called, VÉRO. After a few minutes of introductory pleasantries, Marc asked Paolo to create a stylized ultra sound image of an unborn Véronic Dicaire dancing, this is to illustrate that even from inside the womb, a star is in preparation to hit the entertainment world. .
This section of the video projection was the starter for the show.
Paolo’s approach was simple and low-tech, he hand-drew the skeletal system and body parts in sections; use anchor points in Adobe After Effects and animated the fetus and the ultra-sound screen elements separately using key-frame animation. Below is the after-math of hours of drawing and key-framing.
Video below does not have audio due to copyright restrictions.